Naughten bill to provide information on sex offenders

Local TD Denis Naughten is proposing a bill in the Dáil this morning [Friday], which if passed would allow information on sex offenders to be made available to the parents of children and vulnerable adults who may be at risk.

Deputy Naughten is introducing the ‘Child Sex Offenders (Information and Monitoring ) Bill’ in the Dáil today, which will be incorporated into proposed Government legislation on sex offenders to be published in the coming weeks.

Speaking in advance of today’s proposal, the Roscommon TD welcomed the Government’s decision to accept his legislation, which he says will be “a significant step forward in protecting children”.

“This is an issue that I have felt strongly about for some time, particularly since coming across a worrying incident in 2011 which at the time had the potential to put the safety of children at risk,” he said.

“This is a significant step forward in protecting children by providing parents – for the first time in Irish law – with the right to access relevant information from the Gardaí regarding a high risk sex offender who is living in their community. In addition, it will also close off significant loopholes for the abuse of the sex offenders register.”

He also thanked the parents who had brought the issue to his attention, as well as “the hundreds of parents around the country who have contacted me over the last 15 months since I first published this legislation”.

“I also want to thank the Minister for Justice for his support and encouragement and I look forward to working with him and his department officials to ensure that a robust piece of law is put in place that protects children and vulnerable adults in communities right across the country,” he concluded.


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