Share your views on the future of Irish broadcasting

The people of Westmeath have a chance to share their views on the future of broadcasting in Ireland over the coming weeks by participating in a public consultation organised by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI ).

The consultation is aimed at informing the BAI’s strategy statement for the next three years. Under Section 29 of the Broadcasting Act 2009, the BAI is required to produce a statement of strategy every three years, and the new strategy will cover the period 2014 to 2016.

A draft strategy document was published last week and is available to view at People have until October 22 to make a submission on the draft strategy. Submissions can be made through the website, by email to [email protected], or by post to: Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, 2-5 Warrington Place, Dublin 2.

Speaking at the launch of the draft strategy, Bob Collins, chairperson of the BAI, said: “This is a good opportunity for the people of Westmeath – and, indeed, people from all over the country – to share their opinions on the future of viewing and listening in Ireland.

“Recent years have seen enormous change in Ireland’s broadcasting sector. There has been a dramatic rise in the levels of external television content – as opposed to Irish-made content – available to audiences. There has also been a significant change in the ways in which people access content.

“Changes in new media and technologies have challenging implications for broadcasters and for the BAI as a broadcasting regulator. At a time when questions are being raised about what constitutes a viewer or listener and how broadcasting fits into a new media landscape, it means that the BAI must position itself to regulate effectively in a new media environment, keeping a core focus on audience to guide its work.

“We are hoping for a good response to the public consultation from the people of Westmeath over the next eight weeks. The responses we receive will help the BAI to keep pace with changes, in terms of the needs of both audiences and broadcasters alike.”


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