Special Olympics needs collection volunteers across the county

Special Olympics Ireland’s annual collection day, sponsored by eircom, will take place throughout Ireland on Friday April 26. Volunteers will be needed in Westmeath to look after the collection points in Athlone and Mullingar town centres.

The collection day is the biggest annual fundraising event in aid of Special Olympics Ireland. The money raised will be used to ensure that Special Olympics Ireland can continue to offer people with an intellectual disability the opportunity to participate in sport in their area.

Regional director of Special Olympics Connaught, Myra Merrick, said “This is our biggest annual fundraising event so it is hugely important to us. If you have a few hours to spare on Friday April 26 next please help us by joining one of our collection teams at a location near you. You don’t even need to be a registered volunteer so please let your family and friends know too. With your help, we can all give our athletes a winning chance.”

If you can’t volunteer on April 26, you can support Special Olympics on the day by donating to one of their on-street collectors, or by texting the word SPECIAL to 50300 to donate €2. Every cent of your €2 donation will go to Special Olympics Ireland.

For further information about the collection day and to volunteer please visit www.specialolympics.ie/collectionday or contact Michael Carty at Special Olympics Connaught on (071 ) 9118330 or [email protected].


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