Westmeath encouraged to ‘think big’ for Engineers Week

Engineers Week is coming to Westmeath. The annual campaign to promote engineering as a career and the importance of the profession to Ireland, is taking place from February 25 to March 3. A number of events have been planned for Westmeath to encourage interest in engineering in its various forms.

For those interested in the science behind music, an event called Technology Rocks will take place on Tuesday February 26 at Loreto College, Mullingar. This show is aimed at a post-primary school audience, and will focus on the science behind the electric guitar. Students will be entertained and at the same time learn about the science of sound, electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetism. Scientific Sue will send music across the room using a laser pen. Gadgets such as large remotely controlled cars and helicopters and a wall climbing car will be used to demonstrate scientific principles and students will see how an iPhone can control these gadgets.

There will be several opportunities during the week to learn about the role of engineering in the Army, with a programme of ‘Engineering in the Defence Forces’ events in Custume Barracks, Athlone. Learn about the Army engineers and their work at home and abroad and take part in a practical workshop. The events also include weapons displays from other units in Custume Barracks. This event takes place daily from Tuesday February 26 to Friday March 1.

On Wednesday February 27, a Waterways site visit will take place in Mullingar Harbour at 10.30am and 1pm. Participants are invited to come along and meet Waterways Ireland engineers while learning about the Royal Canal and touring the harbour and dry dock. This event is open to the public.

Finally, an Introduction to Computer Programming workshop entitled Coder Dojo will take place on Friday March 1 for students of Coláiste Mhuire, Mullingar.

Further information on the above events is available at www.engineersweek.ie

Director general of Engineers Ireland, John Power, said: “We are encouraging everyone in Westmeath to get involved in Engineers Week 2013 and see how engineers are changing the world we live in by developing new technologies, new energy sources, and breakthrough medical devices. Schoolchildren, teachers, families, parents and grandparents are all welcome. Engineers Week will show that engineering is ingenuity; it is creativity – it’s about pushing the boundaries of possibility. There are some great activities taking place and I hope you all take the time to join in and enjoy the week.”


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