HSE call for patient safety champions

Could you be a voice for patients in our health care service? In response to the recommendation of the Irish Commission on Patient Safety and Quality Assurance, the HSE is assisting in recruiting an independent network of Patient Safety Champions.

Individuals participating in the network will have the opportunity to be the voice of the patient in the development of healthcare services. They will bring a unique insight, from a patient’s perspective, particularly in matters relating to patient safety and quality in our health services.

An information meeting will be held in the Tullamore Court Hotel this Monday September 10 at 7pm, and in the Radisson Blu Hotel, Galway on Monday September 24 at 7pm, for anyone who is interested in becoming involved.

The Patient Safety Champions initiative is based on the World Health Organisation’s (WHO ) Patients for Patient Safety model, which has the aim of international healthcare improvement. It advocates openness and transparency for all interactions between patients, healthcare professionals, and services.

Participating in the network will be of particular interest to anyone with a personal experience of an adverse incident in healthcare, who would like to use their experience to drive positive changes for other patients.

Following the death of her son as a result of medical error, Margaret Murphy was invited to be a voice for those who have experienced adverse events in healthcare.

“I wanted to ensure that no other family had to go through what we went through. I wanted to make sure that the healthcare system could learn from what happened to my son and that they would take steps so that the same errors would not happen again,” says Margaret.

“Through my work as a patient advocate over the last number of years, I know that patients can have a voice and can make a difference. The development of this network is an opportunity for others, who have had similar experiences to me, to get involved and have their say, and I would encourage them to do so.”

The HSE is supporting the establishment of this network; Patients Safety Champions Ireland. This initiative complements the ongoing work of the HSE in promoting Patient Safety First as part of the ongoing drive to continually improve and develop a patient safety culture within our services.

For further information come along to an information meeting, or please contact [email protected] or [email protected].


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