Volunteer Appreciation Day taking place in Athlone

Youth work and volunteering will come under the spotlight when the No Name Club honours its adult volunteers at a special celebration tomorrow, Saturday June 30.

Many of the No Name Club’s 500-strong volunteers throughout Ireland will attend its Volunteer Appreciation Day in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, to hear keynote addresses from a fantastic line-up of speakers who will address issues surrounding youth work and volunteering today.

John Lonergan, the former governor of Mountjoy Prison, gives a talk entitled ‘Nurturing Young People to Reach Their Potential - Giving Hope to Our Youth in Challenging Times’.

Sean Gallagher, the recent Independent presidential candidate, Dragon’s Den star, and a former youth worker, will speak about leadership and the potential to make a positive contribution to the lives of young people during a talk entitled ‘Transforming Lives Through Leadership’.

Eamonn Doyle, a founding member of the No Name Club, will talk about ‘The Impact of Adult Volunteers on Our Young People’, drawing on his vast experience from his own long and distinguished service as a volunteer.

Volunteer Appreciation Day has been organised by the No Name Club to recognise and honour the ongoing hard work and valuable contributions to the lives of young people throughout Ireland by its hundreds of dedicated adult volunteers.

Full details of Volunteer Appreciation Day, including the schedule of speakers and events, are available from www.nonameclub.ie


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