Local healer completes trilogy

Local author and healer, Dr Mary Helen Hensley, is to launch her third book in the Sheraton Hotel this evening, Friday, June 29.

The Land Beyond the River is the final book in her Promised trilogy, with the two previous tomes by the Brideswell resident published in 2009 and 2010.

The three books are loosely autobiographical, but “with a lot of other people’s stories in there”, and were published to allow Dr Hensley show her two daughters how she had “integrated her uniqueness into her everyday life as a child”.

Dr Hensley, a qualified chiropractor who has practised in Ireland since 1999, was in a 75mph car accident in 1991 and during her recuperation found herself in possession of what she calls “unique metaphysical gifts”.

“After the accident I found an ability to communicate with those in spirit, and coupled with the gift to see future events, this was enhanced by a new endowment; to touch an individual, read their past, and facilitate healing,” said Dr Hensley.

Coincidentally, her career as a chiropractor was also inspired as a direct result of the crash, as she became interested in the profession after having attended with one as part of her return to full health.

Dr Hensley is inviting all interested parties along to the Sheraton next Friday evening “to celebrate summer” .

“Come dressed in your most flamboyant and colourful summer attire as we celebrate love, life, and literature!” said Dr Hensley.

Entertainment will be provided by the Attidude dance troupe, and music by the Lols.


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