Council request meeting with Taoiseach over brigade disbandment

Athlone Town Council are looking to meet with An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, as well as the Táiniste, Eamon Gilmore, as questions remain over the decision to downgrade Custume Barracks.

A special meeting of the council was called for last Monday, June 18 after Thursday evening’s shock announcement that the 4th Western Brigade, who’se HQ was in Athlone, was to be disbanded.

It was widely agreed by all the councillors present that there are questions to be answered over the decision. “There was a lack of consultation and explanation of the process,” said Mayor Alan Shaw.

“We need to stick to the decision we made at the start of the month and meet with the Taoiseach,” added Cllr Kieran Molloy.

Cllr Jim Henson added that there was no reasoning behind the decision, which was “made behind closed doors”, “they’re not going to save money. We deserve an explanation... We need to get a meeting for why the decision was made.”

Fine Gael’s Gabrielle McFadden said that she would not be defending Fine Gael or the Government. “I am disgusted with the decision... It makes me sick to my stomach.”

Cllr Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran added that he feels deluded by this Government,:“The previous Government weren’t listening to the grassroots and this Government is doing the same.”

However not all anger was aimed at the Government. Fianna Fáil’s Aengus O’Rourke looked to Fine Gael mayor of Athlone, Alan Shaw, suggesting he resign his position. “I know you’ve only two weeks left as mayor but I suggest you consider your position as mayor. I think you should go tonight, in solidarity,” he said.

Cllr O’Rourke’s suggestion met with anger from his fellow councillors. “We started this meeting by saying we’re all in this for the right reason, but I see there’s a political goal. Mayor, I am offended that you are the target... I don’t think in the context of this you should resign,” said Cllr Moran.

It was decided that Athlone Town Council would write to the Taoiseach for a second time this month, requesting a meeting with him and Tainiste Eamon Gilmore to discuss the decision to downgrade Custume Barracks.


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