Chamber’s Best in Business awards launched

Midlands Gateway Chamber launched the Best in Business Awards yesterday, Thursday March 22, at the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone.

Speaking at the launch the president of the Midlands Gateway Chamber, Ray Byrne, said, “The competition is now in its second year and we have made this year’s competition bigger and better. Two new award categories have been added and we are working with the chambers from the entire Midland region, Athlone Chamber, Tullamore Chamber, Mullingar Chamber, Longford Chamber, and Laois Chamber to recognise the best in all business sectors.”

Mícheál Carrigy, Midlands Regional Authority Cathaoirleach; Martin Daly, director of the Midland Regional Authority; and presidents of five chambers from the Midlands region were present.

Mr Byrne continued to say, “These awards aim to recognise and promote excellence and innovation in the regional business community and the judging panel plays a pivotal role in the awards programme”.

He added, “There is a rigorous judging process involved, the regional judging panel will short list the entries to five in each category. The external judging panel, Dr John Teeling, Danuta Gray, and Senator Mary Ann O’Brien will adjudicate the select short list, choosing three finalists in each category and their decision will be announced in June. The overall winner in each category will be revealed at the Best in Business Awards Mid Summer Ball on Thursday June 21, in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone.”

Angela Rigney, administration and operations officer, Midlands Gateway Chamber, said, “This should be a great night for business networking where Mary Kennedy will be master of ceremonies and over 400 key business personnel from the region will be present along with a large media contingent”.

The competition is now open, visit to download nomination forms. Nominations will be accepted via email until 5pm, Friday April 27.

The awards categories are:

Emerging New Business Award

Best Multi National Business Award

Business Person of the Year Award

Outstanding Business Award

Best Cultural Tourism Award

Green Initiative Award

Retail Excellence Award

Lifetime Achievement Award, Athlone

Midlands Gateway Chamber Ambassador Award

Tickets are on sale now for the black tie ball and cost €75 each, meal and wine included. If you wish to reserve tickets please contact Midlands Gateway Chamber, email [email protected] or phone Angela Rigney on (086 ) 3891675.


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