Westmeath vintners call on communities to ‘go local’

The Westmeath branch of the Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (VFI ) is lending its support to a campaign that aims to promote the importance and value of supporting local businesses, produce, and services and encourages active participation in local community groups.

The ‘Go Local’ campaign will run in communities throughout the country from this Sunday November 23 to the following Saturday November 29 and is being co-ordinated by the rural affairs wing of the Irish Farmers Association, IFA Countryside. The campaign is being supported by the VFI, GAA, An Post, FBD, the Catholic church, and Bord Bia.

As part of the campaign, publicans throughout Westmeath will be promoting and celebrating the ‘Go Local’ message by staging a variety of events ranging from local information and awareness evenings to live music and entertainment nights and local charity meetings.

Val Hanley, VFI President, commented: “Our members are an integral part of local communities and therefore we are delighted to be involved in the ‘Go Local’ campaign.

“The pub has always been at the very heart of the community and represents a vital point of social interaction for many people throughout the country. Many local organisations and charities also depend upon the pub as a place to meet.

“It is important people realise that by supporting local businesses and organisations they are contributing to a more vibrant, prosperous, and close-knit community in which to live. We are calling on all our members and local communities throughout Westmeath to support this worthwhile campaign.”


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