Tang launches its neighbourhood watch scheme

The Garda-supported Community Alert programme has been formally launched in Tang this week by the local community group Tang Muintir.

“Tang Community Alert was established in response to a rise in crime in our community, particularly attacks on vulnerable people, including the elderly living alone,” said Berny Quinn, chairperson of the group.

“It is a voluntary crime prevention programme for our community to activate with Tang Muintir Community Council and An Garda Siochána for improving the quality of life and safety of the community in general,” she added.

Community Alert signs are now in place on the approach roads to Tang village and its environs to show that the programme is active and in place.

The signs have been erected in locations agreed with the county council and are in line with its specifications.

Tang Muintir Community Council is in existence since 1999, and has striven to enhance the village in a spirit of neighbourhood and community service. It has also helped devise programmes to better the social, economic, and cultural welfare of residents, and to foster the process of community development.

Community Alert has operated throughout Ireland for the past 27 years as a partnership between local communities and An Garda Siochána and has worked and is still working well.

“The most important element of Community Alert is that local people become more aware of the need to preserve the quality of life of members in their community, in particular the more vulnerable,” said Berny.

“It is also about raising the alertness and awareness of everybody to the presence of any person or vehicle acting suspiciously and reporting it to the Gardai. Community Alert is about participation in the scheme by all members of the community through increased neighbourliness and interest in issues affecting community safety.”

Tang Muintir are planning to apply for funding from community support schemes for the elderly to enhance security within their own homes. This would be administered by the local community council and is funded by central Government.

Funding is also available towards the once-off cost of installing socially monitored alarm systems and small items of physical security such as lighting, smoke alarms, door chains, window and door locks.

A text alert system is also in the process of being set up for the elderly residents of Tang and details will be available in the near future.


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