Project Integrate announces AGM and art competition

Project Integrate invites all members, potential members, and interested individuals to come along and learn about the group’s purpose and history at the annual general meeting to be held at 7pm Wednesday November 19 at the Newbury Hotel on Dominick Street, Mullingar. The group will also be presenting its new constitution and announcing details of the logo competition.

“This will be a fun time for catching up with old friends and making new ones,” said Irene Hislop, Project Integrate’s public relations officer. “And we’re all looking forward to seeing what the local young artists come up with for the logo competition.”

Entries are invited for a new logo for Project Integrate from youths under 18. The design should illustrate friendship between people from around the world and will be used on the group’s letterhead, website, and other publications and printed in both colour and black and white. Submissions to the logo competition should be turned in at the public library on Church Street on or before December 1. Prizes will be awarded.

Project Integrate (Mullingar Intercultural Group ) acknowledges and embraces diversity. It aims to create a safe, fun, and supportive environment of mutual respect where people can exchange ideas and learn about each other’s cultures and religious beliefs.

Ultimately, it aims to promote racial harmony in the greater Mullingar area through increasing the participation of all nationalities in the group, creating intercultural awareness in the broader community, and providing a voice to all ethnic groups in matters that affect them.


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