Waterways Ireland Sponsorship Programme opens

Waterways Ireland 2009 Sponsorship Programme for recreational waterway and waterside activity opens this week for events taking place along the Lower Bann Navigation, the Erne System, the Shannon-Erne Waterway, the Shannon Navigation, the Barrow Navigation, the Grand Canal, and the Royal Canal.

Taking place annually for the past four years, the Waterways Ireland Sponsorship Programme has supported angling, canoeing, rowing, sailing, and power-sports, as well as competitions, learning experiences, and historical and educational activities.

According to Éanna Rowe, head of marketing and communications with Waterways Ireland, “Communities, clubs, and associations in towns and villages, along rural waterways, and in waterside urban centres have participated in small and large events. Huge numbers of people have been encouraged to experience something new about the waterways.”

Applications are open to anyone wishing to run recreational waterway and waterside events.

For an application pack please contact Damien McWeeney by email at [email protected] or by telephone at (071 ) 9650787. Terms and conditions do apply. The closing date for the receipt of completed applications is February 3, 2009.


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