Craft Your Wellness exhibition comes to Ballinasloe

The HSE Creagh Training Centre in Ballinasloe is one of the participants in the Craft Your Wellness exhibition taking place in the Carlton Shearwater Hotel in Ballinasloe on Tuesday November 8 from 10.30am to 3pm.

The exhibition will showcase agencies and community groups working in and around Ballinasloe to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. The exhibition is being organised by Ballinasloe Mental Health Association in conjunction with Galway Rural Development and will be officially opened by Mayor Michael Kelly. In addition, the Irish Heart Foundation will provide free heart health monitoring and health promotion advice on the day.

The Creagh Training Centre will have three stands at the exhibition: one highlighting healthy eating with smoothie-making demonstrations; one horticultural; and one woodwork. Also on display will be cribs which were part of a joint project with pupils from Creagh National School, Scoil an Chroí Naofa, and Gaelscoil Ui Cheithearnaigh.

Gerry Blake, HSE Mental Health Services said, “Mental health, like our physical health is an integral part of our overall health and wellbeing. We need to nurture and care for our mental health by developing a positive outlook. This exhibition will bring together all the local agencies and groups to show members of the public what support is available in Ballinasloe and the role of each of the participating groups.

“The HSE will have staff along with clients from the Creagh Training Centre taking part and demonstrating the range of services available. The schools’ crib project is particularly interesting as it brought students together to work with clients of the Training Centre and the end result will be the cribs which the students painted and which will be on display at the exhibition next week.”

As part of the exhibition, the Community Arts Project will be launched by Senator Michael Mullins at 10.30am on Tuesday November 8. This project will bring together paintings and works of art from a wide and diverse range of groups within Ballinasloe including Ballinasloe Community Creche, Ballinasloe Relay Group/ Ballinasloe Musical Society, Ballinasloe Active Retirement, St Vincent de Paul, and the HSE Creagh Training Centre. These works of art will be displayed in outdoor locations around the town in the coming year.

Kathleen Lynch, Minister of State for Disability, Equality, Mental Health and Older People will visit the exhibition in the afternoon.

Entry to the exhibition is free of charge and all are welcome!


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