Athlone’s new Garda station ready to go to tender - OPW confirms

Office of Public Works waiting for Government’s Capital Expenditure Review to be completed

Athlone’s long awaited new Garda station is nearing its final stages, the Office of Public Works has confirmed.

Speaking at a recent meeting of the regions Joint Policiing Committee Chief Superintendent Aidan Glacken told members a a “sizzeable amount of work has been done on it...We are waiting on the OPW to finalise plans for the new Garda station and we’re not far from going to tender.”

The OPW has confirmed that the project is “almost ready to go to tender, with a significant amount of preparatory work in relation to the design and contract documentation already complete”.

A spokesperson explained that as the Governmet is currently undertaking a significant Capital Expenditure Review and that until this is completed it is not possible to state with certainty what capital allocation OPW will have next year. “ In light of this, OPW are not therefore in a position to say definitively that the Athlone project will go ahead in 2012 at this time. However, the work has been given a high priority by An Garda Siochána management and the position in relation to the project will be fully considered at the appropriate time in conjunction with all the other broad range of capital projects needing to be addressed next year.”

A sizeable amount of work has already been carried out on the new Garda station including the following:

- An extension of the existing Garda station (c 1945 ), into adjoining Government Buildings (c1938 ) through the construction of a link structure in the current 4.27 metres wide access lane between the two buildings. This link will serve as a connection to all floors and will contain a lift, stairs, meeting rooms, and a plant room at roof level. Existing access to the east side of Government Buildings will remain.

- The demolition of the existing cell block and some internal walls to improve usability along with the demolition of existing stairs in both buildings and construction of two fire and accessibility compliant stairs has also been carried out.

- The construction of a new cell block and prisoner exercise area to meet current standards; the provision of additional rooms at second floor level at the former Government Buildings; the nationalisation of the plan to improve circulation and greater separation between the custody suite and general office/administration area; a larger public entrance area befitting of the station’s new status; and the refurbishment and upgrading of the two new buildings to meet current building standards and regulations (fire access, energy efficiency, etc ).


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