Winter maintenance grant increased to assist local authorities in Westmeath - McFadden

Local authorities in Westmeath will receive an additional €48,473 through the Winter Maintenance Grant this year.

According to Deputy Nicky McFadden Westmeath County Council was originally allocated €223,934 through the grant and has now been given an additional €27,992, bringing the overall total to €251,926.

Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar has increased the overall Winter Maintenance Grant allocation across the country from €10 million to €11.25 million to assist local authorities with winter maintenance and to keep important roads clear.

“The extra €1.25 million, along with the direct purchase of some 60,000 tonnes of salt, was possible through savings in the Department. It means that local authorities will have access to some 60,000 tonnes of salt, on top of the supplies purchased separately by the National Roads Authority. The funding will help to cover the cost of purchasing, transporting, storing, and spreading salt, and other works associated with extreme weather conditions,” Deputy McFadden said.

“This is a clear example of the Minister planning ahead, in a bid to avoid some of the delay and disruption experienced during the snow and ice earlier this year and late last year. Many local authorities clearly struggled to keep main routes clear and gritted, much to the disgruntlement and disappointment of local people.”

“If reports are to be believed, it looks like we could be in for another harsh cold snap in the coming months. This time around, the Government is putting contingency plans in place now. This means local authorities will have the power to react to tough conditions quickly, which will hopefully greatly reduce the disruption and difficulty experienced by members of the public,” Deputy McFadden concluded.


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