Households to receive information on flooding

Households in Athlone can expect practical information on flooding and safety through their letter box soon.

The matter was raised at this week’s Athlone Area meeting through a motion put forward by Cllr Frankie Keena. The councillor requested that the council discuss what measures could be put in place to alleviate the threat of winter flooding in The Park, Deerpark, Parnell Square, and down river areas of the town.

The council replied that a major flood protection scheme costing some €2 million is required to protect that area from flooding, should an event similar to that inNovember 2009 occur.

“This scale of investment is unlikely to be undertaken in advance of the River Shannon Catchment Flood Management Plan, which is due to be completed by 2015. There is little that can be done in the down river areas to prevent inundation during flood events,” the council replied.

However it was agreed that Westmeath County Council would send out a leaflet containing information on electricity safety and how to deal with flooding to affected areas before winter.


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