Hallowe’en festival committee are looking for your help

It’s that time of year again, the ghouls and ghosts season is approaching.

Over the last couple of months the Hallowe’en Festival committee have been busy stirring up the cauldrons and making plans for another exciting Hallowe’en. The 2011 event is called Fright Fest and plans are currently underway for some exciting and extraordinary events between October 29-31.

The committee are looking for volunteers to help out over the Hallowe’en weekend and a series of fundraising events will be held over the next few weeks in order to raise much needed funds for all the activities planned.

Fundraising events will include bucket collections on October 6 and 7, non-uniform days in primary and secondary schools, and bag packing in local supermarkets. All proceeds are very much needed to ensure this year’s event is successful.

If you would like to help out with Fright Fest 2011 or any of the fundraising events please contact either Delores on (086 ) 0209181, Sandy on (090 ) 6476615, or Linda-Jo on (090 ) 6494555.


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