County’s Live Register continues to grow

The number of people signing on in Westmeath has risen by over 100 in the past year, according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office this week.

Unemployment figures soared across the county over the year from July 2010 to July 2011, with live register numbers now at an all-time high in Westmeath.

In July this year there were a total of 11,043 people signing on in Westmeath, up 107 from July 2010 and up 180 from the previous month, June 2011.

Of those signing on in Westmeath during July this year, the vast majority (8,868 ) were aged 25 years and over. Males made up the majority of those on the Live Register, with 6,789 men and 4,254 women making up the numbers.

A breakdown across the county revealed that, of the total 11,043 people signing on in July this year, 4,431 were in the Athlone area, 5,337 were in Mullingar, and 1,275 were from the Castlepollard area.

Castlepollard was the only Social Welfare office to show a decrease in the Live Register over the past year, dropping by 69 from 1,344 the previous July. Unemployment figures for both Athlone and Mullingar were up on the previous year, with increases of 152 and 24 respectively.

However, all three offices continue to show month-on-month increases. When compared with the previous month, all three offices showed increases, with a jump of 144 in Athlone, 131 in Mullingar, and five in Castlepollard.


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