Shop for Ireland day gets council support

Mullingar Town Council is getting behind the National Shop for Ireland Day, due to take place on Saturday September 24.

The National Shop for Ireland Day is the brainchild of Mullingar man John McEvilly, who is proposing that on September 24 every person in a financial position to do so spends €100 on an Irish product or service.

Cllr Bill Collentine this week called on the council to put their weight behind the venture, which Mr McEvilly has proposed in a bid to revitalise the Irish retail sector.

“John wants everyone to spend €100 shopping for Irish products in local shops, and is also asking people of Irish descent to do the same online.

“Retailers need a lot of help, and any incentive for people to spend locally should be supported. I think everyone should support this and make the day a success.”

Cllr Aidan Davitt pointed out the difference that could be made if a fraction of the 160 million-strong Irish diaspora spent €100 on Irish goods. He also suggested a banner publicising the initiative be placed on the Westmeath County Council website.

Cllr Ken Glynn also strongly supported the “very innovative thinking”; “Given what’s coming in other forms of tax we should embrace anything that can be done to help,” he said, alluding to the proposed introduction of the Household Tax.

The initiative was described as “brilliant” by Cllr Ruth Illingworth. “If this takes off it should be a great help to the economy and exports. I hope it is a huge success in this town, nationally, and internationally,” she said.


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