Thousands raised for South Westmeath Hospice at Fun Run in AIT

The annual South Westmeath Hospice 5km Fun Run/Walk saw over 320 people participate in a race at AIT last Sunday. In its third year, the event continues to be a successful fundraising event for the hospice in Athlone.

Olympic silver medal winner Kenny Egan was also on hand to sign autographs, take photos with fans, and run the race. 

The run started on the grounds of Athlone Institute of Technology, then past Garrycastle bridge, around Retreat, down the Dublin Road, and finished on the state of the art running track of AIT. 

Noel Kelly of Tullamore Harriers won the men’s race in a time of 15 minutes 48 seconds, with AIT Scholarship student Vincent Connolly in second place just ahead of his clubmate from Mullingar Harriers Paddy Kelly. In the women’s race Eva Grace from Athlone won in a time of 20 minutes 16 seconds. Sinead Nolan placed second and AIT AC’s Olivia Ni Shuilleabhain came in third.

Speaking after the race Tom Higgins from the South Westmeath Hospice said he was thankful to all who helped make the day a success. He commented “Calor Direct have been sponsoring the race for two years and their sponsorship is very valuable to making the race a professional and successful event. Gordon Brett and his team in AIT are also an integral part of the race and have been since its inception. The funds raised go towards the valuable services of the South Westmeath Hospice so thank you to all who participated.”

Gordon Brett, sports manager at AIT, said, “The institute is delighted with the large numbers that turned up to participate in the race and support the Hospice. The race is now firmly fixed on the local sporting calendar and we are looking forward to the 2012 event. Kenny Egan was a great sporting ambassador on the day and we thank both Kenny and sponsors Calor Direct.”



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