Seachtain na Gaeilge i gContae na hIar Mhí

Seachtain na Gaeilge, which runs from March 5 to 17, is a celebration of Irish language, culture, and heritage. It offers the chance for people to practice their cúpla focail, to celebrate ‘leabhar power’ by reading books as Gaeilge, or even to try a language course. Westmeath Libraries are proud to support Seachtain na Gaeilge with a wide range of events.

Castlepollard Library has been working with local schools to create a postcard as Gaeilge for St Patrick’s Day. Winning entries are currently being exhibited.

Moate Library has challenged its younger members to draw characters based on Irish legend - entries are to be displayed in the library for St Patrick’s Day.

Mullingar Library is delighted to celebrate art, language, and poetry with a range of events for adults and children. The library hosted the launch of Jenny an Chearc Beag Donn, the latest children’s book by Dolores Keaveney, yesterday, and will also be holding storytelling sessions.

The Aidan Heavey Library in Athlone will be offering a wonderful celebration of music on March 16. Seisúin will be held with schools in the morning, while all are welcome to hear local musicians play in the afternoon from 3.30pm-5pm.

Seachtain na Gaeilge events still to come include:

March 14 - Storytelling in Mullingar 11am-12pm

March 16 - Seisun Ceoil in Athlone Library 11am-12pm for schools

March 16 - Seisun Ceoil in Athlone Library 3.30 pm to 5.30pm

March 17 - Exhibition of images of Irish legends such as the Children of Lir and Fionn MacCumhaill in Moate Library

Visit to follow what’s happening in Westmeath Libraries. Contact Mullingar Library on (044 ) 9332161, Castlepollard Library on (044 ) 9332199, or Aidan Heavey Library, Athlone on (090 ) 6481888 with any queries.


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