Fine Gael cuts to see services bleed

Independent General Election candidate Cllr Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran has warned that proposed public sector cuts will have dire consequences for the people of Longford and Westmeath.

“Fine Gael plan to cut 30,000 public sector workers. Great on paper, but in reality it is the everyday citizens who are going to suffer. Cut admin staff, who will send out letters for necessary doctors appointments? Cut frontline medical cases, waiting to be seen or receive treatment? Reduce the number of SNAs and we go back to the dark ages of undetected reading and writing problems,” said the Independent councillor.

On the point of education, Cllr Moran added, “Just remember how many people the Department of Education employs in Athlone. Are you one of them? Will Fine Gael cost you your job?” he said.

“Where would the people of Athlone be without the Defence Forces? What will happen the next time the town is flooded if the numbers are not there to assist people?”

Cllr Moran went on to say that the abolition of 145 quangos is a “sweeping statement” and said they should each be evaluated on their own merit.

“Before you cast your vote on Friday, think about what you are voting for; more job losses and a reduction in services, or for me, someone with no political agenda but to serve the people of Longford Westmeath by being a voice for all,” he concluded.


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