County Buildings and town park pick up national awards

Town park sculptures to be unveiled on Monday

There was a double win for Westmeath’s County Buildings this week, with the new facilities picking up the Best Public Building and the Best Eco Friendly Building prizes at the national local authority awards.

The coveted honours were bestowed at the Local Authority Members Association (LAMA ) awards held recently, at which Mullingar Town Park also received a certificate as a finalist in the Best Public Park category.

The two new sculptures in the town park, The Silver Brosna/An Lámh Airgid and Stream Spire, are to be officially unveiled on Monday at 1pm.

Commenting on the awards, cathaoirleach of Westmeath County Council, Michael Dollard, said the accolades were “a recognition of the investment in local democracy and customer services that is the foundation of local government in County Westmeath”.

“The members of the council are very proud of the new County Buildings and the improvements they have brought in efficiency and customer services, as well as the vote of confidence they represent in Mullingar and County Westmeath,” he said.

The new County Buildings were opened on June 11 2009, marking the culmination of a two-year construction project. The new building provides significant improvements in public services in an environmentally friendly manner, as highlighted by the winning of these awards.

The LAMA Local Government Awards were launched in 2006 to recognise excellence in the work of local authorities in Ireland. These awards acknowledge the well planned and expertly executed projects that enhance the lives of communities, and reward the most proactive local authorities.

Cllr Dollard also encouraged the continued improvement of the town park with the aim of moving up the rankings in next year’s awards.

“The town park was a finalist, and with the unveiling of the sculptures and a little work, it could win. A number of years ago the town park won a Bord Fáilte national award; we should do all we can to improve it for next year.”


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