Teen serial burglar gets sentence extended

A teenage girl who appeared in court from custody, and was expecting to be released in April, was given an additional eight months in the District Court this week (January 19 ) after being convicted of another burglary.

Amanda Ring (18 ), from Thornbury Drive, Willow Park, Athlone was in court to plead guilty to her part in a burglary at Willow Park View at around midnight on November 13 with two others, in which a laptop and an iPod were taken.

Inspector Nicholas Farrell told the court how the owners returned to the property during the burglary and disturbed the perpetrators, and that the laptop was recovered but the iPod wasn’t.

Ring had been jailed for four months for drug offences on May 5 but was given temporary release two days later. She was then arrested for trespass at the above address on July 6, and subsequently jailed for eight months on July 7. She was then jailed again on January 7 for a further three months.

“She accepts her responsibility and was co-operative with the Guards. This is a young lady who’s had problems in the past, but there is no justification whatsoever,” said her family’s legal aid representative, Tony McLynn, who told the court his client had a projected release date of April 16.

Noting the three month sentence handed down in January, Judge David Anderson asked: “Why the extra week?”

“Unlawfully at large, judge,” said the inspector.

“Can they add to it? Is that in the gift of the prison officials?” asked the judge, and the inspector said he believed so.

In her defence, Mr McLynn told the judge his client had been attending Youthreach in Kilbeggan and had “excellent” reports when attending.

“Unfortunately, her attendance was less than satisfactory,” said Mr McLynn.

Judge Anderson sentenced Ring to eight months in prison, to be served from January 19.

He set an independent surety at €2,000 in case Ring wished to appeal this.


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