Huge increase in live register figures grim news - Penrose

According to Labour Party general election candidate Deputy Willie Penrose, the huge increase of more than 12,000 in the Live Register figures for December “is grim news indeed and shows that there is still a huge challenge facing the country to undo the huge economic damage done by Fianna Fail”.

“This is the highest end of year figure ever recorded, it is one of the biggest ever increases for December over November, and it marks the 19th successive month in which the figures have been over 400,000. While the export statistics and the exchequer figures published this week showed some recovery in the multi-national sector, the Live Register figures show that there is a still a huge problem in the domestic economy and with unemployment levels.

“Unfortunately the first week of 2011 has also been marked by a series of job loss announcements which suggest that the figures may again rise even higher.

“Job creation and the needs of those without jobs have received virtually no attention from Brian Cowen and his government. Mass unemployment is the political epitaph for this government.

“More than ever we need a new government that will put the country back on its feet and give job creation the priority it deserves,” he added.


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