Mullaghmeen climb planned for this Saturday postponed

Due to the adverse weather conditions, the Ireland to Everest, 32 Steps for Cystic Fibrosis climb that was due to take place at Mullaghmeen, Co Westmeath this Saturday afternoon has been postponed.

The event will be rescheduled to start in the same location at a later date. The climb is to form part of an exciting fundraising challenge, Ireland to Everest, 32 Steps for Cystic Fibrosis, which will see a team of climbers scale the highest points in each of the 32 counties, and some other parts of the world, before tackling Everest.

Undertaking this massive task will be Cian O’Brolchain from Drumcondra and Lorna Murphy from Kildare, two intrepid climbers who, with the help of experienced Everest climber Ian Taylor, hope to climb in excess of 175,000ft throughout the duration.

Members of the public will be encouraged to join the team at the various locations throughout Ireland and can participate in the easier climbs. The aim of this fundraising drive is to establish a National Double Lung Transplant Support Fund for Ireland.

For further updates on this event, see


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