Journeying through bereavement

During November and December, Westmeath County Library Service will host two talks on bereavement in conjunction with the HSE and the Irish Hospice Foundation.

‘Helping Hands on the Journey through Bereavement’ will take place in Mullingar Library on Thursday November 18 at 7pm, with speaker Maria Costello, bereavement care liaison officer.

‘Talking About Bereavement’ will take place in Athlone Library on Wednesday December 1 at 3.30pm, with speaker Rita Kelly SRN.

Everyone deals with grief and mourning in their own way, and it is hoped that these talks will guide people to some of the resources available, whether through support networks, counselling, or even the Library’s Healthy Reading Scheme.

For further information, please contact Athlone Library on (090 ) 6442157 or Mullingar Library on (044 ) 9332161.


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