Local woman gets date for manslaughter trial

The woman charged in connection with the unlawful death of Lillian (Lily ) Scanlon at her home in Valley Court, Athlone over two years ago, was served with a book of evidence in the District Court this week (October 13 ) and given a date for trial on November 30.

Agnes McCarthy (54 ), with an address at 19 Castlemain Street, Athlone is pleading not guilty to the charge of manslaughter of the 48-year-old mother-of-three from Clara.

McCarthy, who was soberly dressed in black, did not speak during her three-minute hearing, and was granted continuing bail after a named individual satisfied the court as an independent suretor.

Her solicitor, Mr Tony McLynn, applied for legal aid on behalf of his client, and was certified for a senior and junior barrister for the trial, which is to go ahead at Mullingar Circuit Court, sitting in Tullamore.

Judge Patrick Clyne also gave McCarthy the standard alibi warning given to all defendants who choose a trial by judge and jury, namely that if she intends to rely on an alibi, she has 14 days with which to inform the State of this intention, or she will lose this option.

The body of Lily Scanlon, a separated mother of three grown-up children and niece of former town councillor, Austin Berry, was discovered in the kitchen of her rented home at 10am on the morning of June 9, 2008 by a guest. She had last been seen alive at 11pm the previous evening.


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