Violent teenage thief gets a chance

A teenage girl who spat at and kicked the security guard who apprehended her for stealing cosmetics was given until December 11 to show an improvement in her behaviour if she is to avoid a conviction.

The 15-year-old girl, who can’t be identified because of her age, stole €116 worth cosmetics from Dunnes Stores in Irishtown in the afternoon of October 1 last before being apprehended.

Her solicitor Paul Connellan told the court how his youthful client came from “extremely difficult family circumstances” and had been in voluntary residential care since September 16.

“She seems to be getting on quite well,” said Mr Connellan, about his client’s time at the centre.

“These offences happened after she went in,” Judge David Anderson pointed out.

“With one or two blips she is getting on reasonably well,” said Mr Connellan.

“She has done her Junior Cert but wants to re-sit it to get a few better grades and embark on a hairdressing course.

“I know her family background and it is quite a legacy. It is quite uphill.

“I would ask you to give her some time to show her bona fides”.

Judge Anderson accepted this and ordered a Probation Report on the defendant.

He adjourned sentencing until December 11 to see what the Probation and Welfare Service thought of her.


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