Free workshop on the Alexander Technique

To celebrate Alexander Technique week this October a free two hour workshop will be held in Mullingar Public Library on Saturday Octover 16.

If you have any back or neck problems, then this workshop is a must, as you will learn invaluable information on the day which will help you for life.

Martina Maloney is teaching the Alexander Technique for over five years in the Midlands, and the benefits are being seen and felt by those who participate in her courses or individual lessons. The technique, which is over 100 years in existence and is now recognised by the British Medical Journal, helps to explore your own postural habits and way of use. Over the years habits build up as our lifestyles become more and more sedentary and repetitive and these habits overwrite the natural flow of the body. We are all born with natural poise and grace and children are perfect examples of this but long hours of sitting, standing, driving, etc, lead to a build up of muscular tension which leads to back problems, neck pain, and breathing difficulties.

On the day Martina aims to send you home with some tools to help alleviate the general pains and aches we are so accustomed to. She will look at better ways of sitting and standing and introduce a gentle exercise to help ease out your back and neck.

Everyone is welcome, from the young to the old. Please bring along a yoga mat and some paperback books on the day.

For more information log on to or call Martina Maloney on (044 ) 9221963.


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