Wrestlemania comes to Mullingar

This October wrestlemania hits Mullingar when the Superstars of Wrestling come to Mullingar Arts Centreon Saturday October 16.

This promises to be one of the events of the year as the Superstars of Wrestling roll into Mullingar as part of their American Invasion Tour.

The Arts Centre will be transformed into an exciting fighting arena for the occasion as some of the best wrestlers from the USA, Mexico, Japan, and Europe line up to produce the thrills and the spills that we have come to expect from major league wrestling. It will be the biggest wrestling event seen in the area as the heroes and villains of the squared circle go one-on-one using a combination of strength, skill, and expertise, often defying gravity.

Already confirmed to appear are The Avalanche, formerly known as PN Neus in WCW; Rampage Brown; Mr USA Brody Steele; and the sensational high-flying Mexican star El Ligero.

The Mexican sensation has been referred to as one of the world's most dedicated, passionate, and hard-working competitors. His unrivaled charisma and high flying skills have wowed fans all over the world. Hailing from Los Sancho, Mexico, El Ligero is famed for his high-flying and spectacular moves, notably his finishers the C4L DDT and Top Rope Splash. Rated as one of the best cruiserweights in the game today, fans will be left speechless by his high flying abilities, as are his opponents who on occasions just simply can’t keep up with the masked superstar Mr USA - the 6ft 8inch tall Brody Steele comes from the back streets of Brooklyn and weighs almost 20 stone, with a body that looks like it was chiselled from stone. He has wrestled all over the world and flies into Ireland direct from a tour of Denmark. He was trained for the ring by Stu Hart in his infamous Dungeon in Calgary, Canada. Stu was the father of the former WWE World Champion Brett ‘The Hitman’ Hart and was responsible for training the likes of the late Chris Benoit and The British Bulldog. He is big, very big, with muscles in places that most of us don’t have places, and he is a born fighter.

A new name on the wrestling scene is that of the mighty Colossus, all 22 stone of him. He says he doesn’t take prisoners and enjoys causing pain. He is fast earning himself a huge reputation as a giant killer. He can boast of wins over some of the biggest names in the game and says he will continue causing mayhem in the ring in order to get to the top.

Rampage Brown has just signed with the WWE and will be leaving these shores for the warmer climes of Florida in November. He has wrestled several times for the WWE during their UK tours and made a very big impression. He has even appeared on the WWE RAW television programme and his roughhouse tactics are sure to take him right to the top of his chosen profession.

A full international supporting bill is promised and if all that wasn’t enough – at the end of the night there will also be a royal rumble. There are no falls or submissions in this match, the only way to be eliminated is to be thrown over the top rope. It will be every man for himself as the competitors fight it out to be the last man standing in the ring. It will be friend against friend and foe against foe until one man is declared the ultimate winner.

For more information call Mullingar Arts Centre on (044 ) 9347777.


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