Dundon disciple pleads not guilty for a second time

A local man who is pleading not guilty to charges of threatening to kill the student sister of Limerick gangland victim Roy Collins because he would allegedly “get good money from Wayne Dundon”, was remanded on continuing bail in Athlone District Court this week (September 22 ) until November 10 on related theft and menacing charges.

The court heard how Stephen Reilly (21 ), with addresses at Elmworth Court, Belhavel and Thornbury Drive, Beechpark, Athlone was arrested that morning by Garda Tom Higgins but made no reply to the charges put to him. Garda Higgins told the court he couldn’t object to bail, as the defendant was already on bail from the High Court on related matters stemming from his alleged actions on April 12.

Reilly’s solicitor, Tony McLynn told Judge David Anderson his client was pleading not guilty to these latest charges and was seeking trial by judge and jury, as well as a book of evidence. Judge Anderson asked Garda Higgins to outline the allegations before he ruled any further.

The court was told the injured party in these charges was the 20-year-old boyfriend of the injured party in the charges for which Reilly was on High Court bail, namely the sister of the late Mr Collins.

Reilly had been remanded in custody from Mullingar District Court on those charges on April 15, but had successfully appealed this ruling to the High Court.

Garda Higgins outlined the allegations that on April 12 Reilly had got out from a car near Beechpark and chased the injured party, allegedly stealing a bag of shopping valued at €180 that was dropped in the chase. Later that day he rang up the injured party’s girlfriend, a student at the AIT from Limerick and said “he’d kill her and cut her up and that he’d get good money from Wayne Dundon for that”.

Garda Higgins went on to allege the defendant also rang up the injured party’s girlfriend at home in Limerick “on numerous occasions threatening her”.

The court heard how Reilly was also charged with two public order offences, allegedly committed on May 26, but his solicitor said that he was still awaiting CCTV footage in relation to these.

The judge remanded Reilly on his own bail of €100 to appear at Athlone District Court on November 10 “for a plea or date”.


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