Business to business networking opportunity

Businesses from all over Westmeath and Offaly are invited to participate at the Business-to-Business Speed Networking event which will be held in Tullamore on Monday September 20.

Following on from the success of last year’s event Westmeath and Offaly County Enterprise Boards are organising the event again this year, in conjunction with Athlone, Tullamore and District, Mullingar, and the Midlands Gateway Chambers.

Any business involved in supplying goods and services to other businesses should not miss this opportunity to meet potential new customers. The event is designed as a fast and fun way to make new business contacts and broaden your business network.

The idea is that within a few minutes of talking to someone new, you would be able to decide if there is a possibility of future business between you, or simply to understand more about what your new contact does. In the present economic situation, networking is something that more businesses are turning to in an effort to expand (or even maintain ) their business. Small business owners are generally working on little or no marketing budget, so networking is an exceptionally cost effective method of promoting their goods or services.

At the event last year, over 80 small business owners from all over the Midlands came together to network and this year the event promises to be even bigger and better. Based on feedback from last year, an extra hour of speed networking has been added in order to allow as many introductions as possible to be made.

The event will be held in the Tullamore Court Hotel from 2pm to 5pm, with registration at 1.30pm and the booking fee is just €20 per person.

For more information log on to, call Offaly County Enterprise Board on (057 ) 9352971, or by email at


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