Westmeath Volunteer Centre would like to invite all not-for-profit groups to its Volunteer Expo in the Bloomfield House Hotel, Mullingar on Wednesday September 22.
The expo is free to all and in the past has been a major success and beneficial to all who attended, both as volunteer groups and as potential volunteers.
This event will mark the 2010 National Day of Volunteers which will take place on October 1.
For organisations, the Volunteer Expo is a great opportunity for your organisation to showcase your volunteer opportunities, to let their community know about the work you do, network with other organisations, and to get to know the Volunteer Centre and develop new opportunities.
The event is also a great opportunity for potential volunteers to find out about the local volunteer organisations and the type of volunteer jobs that are available.
The Volunteer Expo will be held on Wednesday afternoon September 22. Come along and find out about different types of volunteer jobs offered by local organisations that fit your lifestyle, match your passions and utilise your skills.
For more information please call (044 ) 9348571 or email Marian Gallagher at marian@volunteerwestmeath.ie.