Class sizes failing local children — Naughten

The failure to tackle increasing class sizes in primary schools means that many children are being subjected to a huge educational disadvantage which has negative, long-term consequences, local TD Denis Naughten has claimed.

“Irish classrooms are among the most overcrowded in Europe, and larger class sizes result in less teacher time being available for each pupil. This lack of individual attention means that teachers cannot respond immediately to children’s particular learning needs,” said Deputy Naughten.

“In county Roscommon, one in five schoolchildren are in a class of 30 or more, an increase of 50 per cent in two years.

“The fact that class sizes are increasing at a time when up to €38,000 million can be put into septic bank Anglo Irish clearly shows the current priority of this Government.

“Children need to be in classes of no more than 20 to maximise their potential. The current education system is failing our children and this will have a direct impact on high achievers and weaker students.

“If we want to get out of recession and stay out of it then we have to plan for the long term by supporting our children, not undermining their education,” he concluded.


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