Columb Barracks open day this Sunday

The 4th Fd Arty Regt has a long and distinguished involvement with the local community in Mullingar and the surrounding area. The unit prides itself on its many and diverse roles in local organisations and charitable functions.

It is with that sense of community spirit that the Officer Commanding 4th Fd Arty Regt and Columb Barracks, Lt Col AM Armstrong, will host an open day for the people of Mullingar and surrounding areas this Sunday August 29, in aid of the North Westmeath Hospice.

The aim of the open day is to invite the local community in for a display of military skills and fun events, while the Band of the Western Brigade will enchant visitors with an array of music.

The open day kicks off with the pipe band performing in the town and leading the way to open the gates for the community.

Activities on the day will include a parachute jump by the Defence Forces, Army displays, samba bands and set dancers, and a kids’ climbing wall and obstacle course, with each child receiving a certificate of achievement. The grand finale will be the 1812 Overture by the Band of the Western Brigade to the sound of the 25 Pounder Ceremonial Guns, which will be manned by family members with a huge tradition of service to the Defence Forces and the community.

While there will be no charge at the gates for admission, there will be collectors with buckets for Westmeath Hospice, a very deserving local charity.

As the Defence Forces 4th Fd Arty celebrate over 50 years of distinguished service with the United Nations this year, the open day on Sunday will celebrate a community attachment that is as old as the barracks itself.

All are welcome. Due to the large numbers expected, children will not be allowed into the barracks on the day without adult supervision.


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