Call for entries from Westmeath for schools competition

Westmeath students are invited to enter two competitions for Science Week this year. Discover Science and Engineering (DSE ) is holding an essay competition for primary and secondary schools students and is running a separate photography competition for secondary school students.   

The theme for Science Week 2008 is ‘Science – Shaping Our World’ and DSE is inviting entries with the theme as title of the essay. Essays can either be a fictional story that reflects how science has shaped the world we live in. Alternatively it could be a non-fictional story, based on a factual event or topic that is positively, or even negatively, shaping our world. The closing date for entries is 5pm on Friday October 17 and a selection of the best essays will be published on the Science Week website once the winners are announced. For more information please visit  Science Snaps is a photography competition run in conjunction with Tyndall National Institute, Cork where students are asked to take a ‘snap’ of the science, engineering or technology around them. Photographs must also capture this year’s Science Week theme ‘Science - Shaping Our World’. Closing date for receipt of entries is Monday October 20. Winners will be announced and receive prizes during Science Week. Entry forms can be downloaded from Full details on both competitions can be found on


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