€145,000 allocated for Monksland refurbishment - Finneran

Minister for Housing, Urban Renewal and Developing Areas, Michael Finneran TD, has welcomed the allocation of €145,000 for Monksland under the RAPID Physical Environment Improvement Scheme 2009-2013, which he says will enhance the appearance of the area.

“The purpose of the scheme is to support locally identified small-scale capital works in local authority housing estates, civic and open rehabilitation,” said Minister Finneran.

“The design of each local scheme should be based on making the optimal use of open space, improving the general environmental condition for RAPID communities, addressing issues of poor design and accessibility, and improving public safety and accessibility.

“The scheme is to cover the period 2009 to 2013 inclusive and will consist of five annual cycles, incorporating an application and claim process for each year of operation. This is to afford communities the flexibility to produce five-year plans. All contributions by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs will be matched by Roscommon County Council on a € to € basis,” concluded the Minister.


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