‘Buy Westmeath scheme’ would keep spend in town

Cllr Aidan Davitt is calling on Westmeath County Council to consider the roll out of a ‘Buy Westmeath scheme’ to encourage people to shop locally. The initiative would be an extension of the existing Mullingar Chamber voucher scheme.

“We have a voucher system which has been very successful and ensures money is kept in the town. I think a bigger roll-out of the chamber voucher scheme would keep business in Westmeath. It would not be at great cost and I think it would be very successful,” said Cllr Davitt.

“A similar scheme has been rolled out in Kerry and has been extremely effective in keeping money in the local economy.”

Support for Cllr Davitt’s motion was widespread in the chamber, with Cllr Ken Glynn commenting, “Anything that can be done to keep business local has to be welcomed. The leakage out of Westmeath has been frightening.”

“If we don’t support local businesses we won’t have local businesses,” added Cllr Ruth Illingworth.

Westmeath County Council indicated that it is willing to look at options to promote the town and to develop new opportunities.

“Westmeath County Council fully supports a shop local philosophy and is working with Mullingar Chamber to promote the town through festivals, open days, etc, such as the Discover Mullingar Day.

“The council is more than willing to continue this practice and is committed to working with the respective chamber of commerce in developing new promotional opportunities.”


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