Business leaders will converge on Athlone this month for a conference exploring business opportunities in China. The conference will be addressed by leading figures from business in Ireland and China.
‘Opening the Eastern Door - doing business in China’ is a day-long conference which will explore the challenges and opportunities for Irish firms doing business in and with China. The conference chairman is RTE business journalist John Murray, a regular presenter of Morning Ireland and The Business on RTE Radio 1. John lived in China for two years when his wife, Miriam Donohoe, was Beijing correspondent of the Irish Times.
The conference takes place at the Sheraton Hotel in Athlone on June 22 and is being organised by FGS Chartered Accountants and will deal with legal, financial, and tax issues for companies doing business with China. FGS managing partner, Jim Mulqueen, says, “The conference is a tremendous chance for business people here to interact with senior figures from the world of business in China and the agencies here such as Enterprise Ireland who work in this area”.
Mr Mulqueen says the full potential of the Chinese market needs to be realised by businesses; “Our trading relationship with Asia is very important, trade between China and Ireland is worth over €2 billion annually. There is a huge market in China and tapping into its potential will bring significant benefit to business and industry here.”
Understanding the legal and financial issues as well as the different business culture is essential in capitalising on the opportunities for Irish businesses in China.
The conference will hear from business leaders who have been involved in trading with China and representatives from Enterprise Ireland. The head of the commercial division from the Chinese Embassy will open the conference which will also be addressed by the Asia Pacific chairman of FGS international affiliates, RSM.
Jim Mulqueen of FGS says, “This conference is an ideal opportunity for business people to get a full understanding of all the aspects of doing business in China, but significantly it will give them direct access to the information and contacts they need to start doing business with and in China”.
The conference takes place at the Sheraton Hotel in Athlone on Tuesday June 22 and places can be booked by contacting Anna Nelson at the FGS Dublin office at or tel (01 ) 4082033; or Gina Gartlan at the FGS Longford office at or tel (043 ) 3341900.