It’s time we appreciated the work of our soldiers

Dear Editor

The local newspapers keep us very informed of what the Irish Army does in Mullingar, and I think it is important that we recognise them for the public service they give. This comes on the back of the row about the public sector and pay, pensions, etc.

During the year there was several interesting stories in the local papers regarding our soldiers and how they represent Ireland in countries like Chad, and the important work they do when overseas to keep people out of danger.

This is important not alone to those who can not protect themselves, but also to Ireland’s standing in the world arena and for Ireland’s department of Foreign Affairs.

Then at the end of the year, Irish soldiers assisted the Government and ordinary people with flood relief, saving homes and businesses in Athlone and other areas in the west of Ireland.

And this week again I see soldiers in Mullingar helping ordinary people who are without water, and also assisting the HSE. It is time people reaslise the importance of our soldiers who serve locally, nationally, and internationally through its many diverse roles.

The young soldiers I met this week were very helpful, courteous, and professional, and long may they remain a part of Mullingar town.

Yours, etc

Name and address with Editor


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