286km of Westmeath roads now speed check zones

Garda website lists speed enforcement areas around the county

Gardai have published the location of 23 speed enforcement zones in County Westmeath, as part of a new campaign to reduce the number of fatal and serious injuries on our roads and to improve road safety.

The zones, which cover a total of 286 kilometres of Westmeath’s road network, are among 700 accident blackspots nationwide which Gardai will be targeting by high visibility and speed detection policing.

Gardai recently launched eight new speed detection vans to assist the new initiative. Each is equipped with new and more efficient enforcement technology which enables them to monitor speed in adverse weather conditions and during the night. Gardai aim to reduce the number of fatal accident and serious injuries by 5 per cent.

The speed enforcement zones in Westmeath are as follows: 11 kilometres on the N52 from Clonmellon to Delvin, 20 kilometres on the N52 from Delvin to Mullingar, 12 kilometres from Delvin to Cloghan, 10 kilometres on the R156 from The Downs to Raharney, eight kilometres on the R156/N4 from Killucan to Kinnegad, six kilometres of dual carriageway from The Downs to Mullingar, seven kilometres of dual carriageway from Mullingar to Bunbrosna, nine kilometres on the N4 from Bunbrosna to Rathowen, 15 kilometres on the N4 from Bunbrosna to Edgeworthstown, seven kilometres on the R394 from Knockdrin to Whitehall, and four kilometres on the R394 from Knockdrin to Crookedwood.

Other speed enforcement zones are 15 kilometres on the R394 from Mullingar to Rathconrath, 16 kilometres on the N52 from Mullingar to Tyrrellspass, 30 kilometres on the N6 from Kinnegad to Kilbeggan, 20 kilometres from Kinnegad to Tyrrellspass, 26 kilometres from Tyrrellspass to Moate, 16 kilometres on the N6 from Moate to Athlone, 15 kilometres from Kinnegad to Blackwater Bridge, six kilometres from Kinnegad to Clonard, five kilometres from Multyfarnham to Crookedwood, seven kilometres on the R394 from Collinstown to Castlepollard, and eight kilometres on the R394 from Rathconrath to Forgney.

According to a statement from Gardai, “An Garda Siochana in conjunction with the National Roads Authority have completed an extensive analysis of the collision history on the road network, where speed was a contributory factor. Sections of road have been identified where a significant proportion of accidents occurred whereby in the opinion of the investigating Gardai, the speed was exceeded.

“An Garda Siochana will utilise these zones in order to direct speed enforcement activity in a proportionate and targeted manner. These zones will be reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis, through continuing analysis feedback and sharing of analysis of information with other stakeholders.”


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