Brendan Grace returns to the Midlands this January

It's a funny old world when seen through the eyes of Brendan Grace. The sanctimonious priest who knows more than he's telling; “Blessed is he who gets married in the nick of time”.

The father of the bride makes a speech at his daughters wedding: “She could have married someone with money;she could have married

someone who was working.She could have married someone who wasn't working...but was willing to work.”

Then there's the schoolboy with the unspeakable personal habits and a fine line in sympathy pleas. Brendan Grace is all of these and more.Each cock- eyed portrait he paints has a ring of truth that brings audiences to the point of apoplexy.

Brendan's material owes more to the best of the traditional stand-up-comics than it does to modern alternative humour and his show is very much a show for all the family. There is a sincerity about his act that endears you to him, and his off-stage persona is very much a 'man of the people' as he makes himself available after each show for a photo and a 'meet and greet'.

You can catch Brendan with new 'Brand New Show' at Hodson Bay Athlone, on Thursday January 7, for booking call (090 ) 6492444. He also plays the Greville Arms, Mullingar on Tuesday January 5, for booking call (044 ) 9348563.

Tickets are €30 at both venues.


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