Sewage to pay for piece in park

A piece of public sculpture planned for the entrance of the newly renovated town park in Mullingar is to be funded by an innovative plan whereby a part of the capital cost of the new sewerage scheme will pay for its commission.

This scheme is funded by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government’s “Per cent for Art” scheme, whereby a percentage of a government-funded job of work is set aside for an art project.

In July the county council advertised for the commission and received over 50 applications from national and international artists.

Over the ensuing months a selection panel has drawn up a short list of five pieces, scale models of which are currently on public display in The Atrium of the county buildings on Mount Street, Mullingar until December 15.

The panel - made up of three county councillors, one town councillor, a representative of the Chamber of Commerce, a director of services, an architect, an engineer and a professional artist - will meet in camera on December 18 to make a final decision.

The sculpture will be located at the front entrance to the town park on Austin Friars Street and the deadline for unveiling is June 30, 2010.

The council is inviting members of the public to view the models and submit written comments with a view to assisting in the final selection later this month.

The artists were asked to consider the culture and history of the town in developing their submissions, as well as the piece’s suitability for the site and its clarity of purpose.

Full details of the five shortlisted submissions, along with specifications, accompany each model and can be viewed in The Atrium.



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