Whelan receives assurance about over-supply

Following representations by Cllr Joe Whelan regarding the water supply in the west of Moate, Westmeath County Council has assured him that it is safe and not contaminated.

In a statement to Cllr Whelan the Water Services stated: “Consumers of the Mullingar Regional Water Supply are currently experiencing a musty taste and odour from their mains water supply. The council wishes to advise that the water continues to be perfectly safe to drink and this is confirmed by the results of routine tests carried out by the HSE on behalf of the council. The HSE continues to monitor the water supply.

“The Mullingar Regional Water Supply scheme serves the east and south of the county and is sourced from Lough Owel. At this time of year, particularly in warm weather conditions, algal blooms occur in the lake as a natural event. The council’s water treatment filtration system at Portloman removes algae, bacteria, and other potentially harmful constituents from the water. The current taste and odour is due to very fine natural molecular matter dissolved in the water that is too fine to be removed by the filters but does not present a risk to public health. A simple way to reduce the current taste problem is to store water in the refrigerator. When the water is cold the taste is not as noticeable.

“Any inconvenience to consumers is regretted but the taste and odour in the water supply is due to a natural weather-related seasonal event, and is outside the control of the council.”

The Moate-based councillor was also assured that the HSE is constantly monitoring the situation.


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