Lough Ree Yacht Club Junior Sailing Course 2009

The Lough Ree junior sailing course begins next week on June 29 and runs until July 24.

Following the huge interest in the Green Dragon and the Volvo Ocean Race, many children are now interested in sailing as a sport. The course has attracted over 70 sailors who will all be trained over the coming month in the Irish Sailing Association (ISA ) syllabus. The ISA has reconfigured its previous programme and introduced a new syllabus for their Small Boat Sailing Scheme.

“The course runs from 9.30am until 4.30pm and, weather permitting, the children sail every day,” outlined Róisín O Hanlon, one of the Junior Sailing organisers. “Sailing is a very active and challenging sport and it is great for the club to have such a heightened interest in the sport.  We have wonderful facilities here on Lough Ree and it is such a fantastic lake to sail.”

Every child starting sailing must be able to swim and have first to pass a swimming test in the lake before being accepted onto the course.

The senior instructor this year is Paul Jones from Dublin, assisted by Cillian Hogan, and there are eight more trained junior instructors assisting. All are fully trained to instructor level and, when on the water, accompany the sailors in safety boats, in total compliance with ISA rules and recommendations. In addition it is compulsory for every child to wear a suitable life jacket on the water.

If your child is interested in sailing then please get in touch with Aveen Gray (086 ) 825 0714.


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