Lane closures confirmed by local authority as street enhancement works progress

Westmeath County Council has confirmed details of lane closures which will remain in effect within Athlone town centre over the duration of a four-week period.

The closures at Pump Lane and John Broderick Street are to facilitate work conducted on the €3.8 million streetscape revamp in the town which has been underway since last March.

The local authority stated that the lane closures would be on a 24-hour basis on weekdays and would be in effect during the following dates

* Monday-Friday, February 19-23

* Monday-Friday, February 26-March 1

* Monday-Friday, March 4-8

* Monday-Friday, March 11-15

The local authority noted that alternative routes would be available to motorists and be clearly signposted.

Alternative Routes Available

Northbound and Eastbound traffic from the South will be diverted East on Golden Island Road; diverted West on R446 (Castlemaine Street ); diverted East on Lower Road and diverted North on Grace Park Road.

Pump Lane and John Broderick Street will be reopened to two-way traffic for the weekend.

Diversions will be signposted.

Westmeath County Council would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.


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