Access to many public services becoming increasingly difficult within District - Keena

Ronan fagan

Cllr Frankie Keena has this week detailed the difficulties experienced by those seeking to access education, health, housing and law enforcement services within the Municipal District of Athlone-Moate.

Cllr Keena addressed the issue with his fellow elected representatives and members of the council executive during the Monday afternoon sitting of the Athlone-Moate Municipal District.

“As the population of Athlone continues to grow significantly there is an increasing demand on public services provided by various departments within the areas of education, health, law enforcement and housing to meet such progression.

“For example, with regards to the provision of education within the District. I am aware of parents who are experiencing long waiting lists to have their children enrolled into certain primary and secondary schools. This is due to the fact that there is a high demand for education places due to the growth in population.

“I am also aware of those who have relocated to work in Athlone with their families and they are now faced with huge difficulties in accessing a GP service and additional local medical needs. This in itself can have a negative impact on filling employment vacancies in the town. Furthermore, trying to get an informed response from the HSE can be challenging in the area of outpatient services.

“The issue of law enforcement continues to be a matter of utmost importance, particularly the impact of the new Garda Operational Model within this District. While Athlone Garda Barracks received extra gardai before Christmas there are still no sign of the gardai on the beat and I am of the belief that our Community Garda unit needs to be re-activated. I am grateful to the local gardai who are so helpful with the services that they provide within the resources that is available to them.

“Pertaining to this particular motion, I feel there is a slight misunderstanding by the council in this instance. I acknowledge with gratitude the customer service provision conducted by Westmeath County Council, but my question relates to the area of housing.

“I wish to receive an update with regards to housing provided to date and the impact of this, if any, on our housing waiting list? While it is great to see the large number of private and public housing developments presently under construction, I would like to receive information on the number of commencement notices plus the number of residential properties that have been submitted to the council over the last two years.

“My purpose in highlighting these non-exhaustive four areas of public service provision is to highlight that there is a deficit that needs to be addressed to meet the increasing population. In order for Athlone to grow as a regional growth centre it is imperative that these services are in place.

“To start addressing such pertinent issues I am now looking for this Municipal District to seek an update from each department relating to their short, medium and long term public service provision plans for Athlone going forward,” Cllr Keena said.

Responding, a spokesperson for the council executive stated that Westmeath County Council provides a range of services to citizens, all of which are accessible in person, by email or telephone and online engagement.

“As per commitments set down in our Customer Service Action Plan and Customer Service Charter, Westmeath County Council endeavours to provide a high level of service. Where customers are experiencing difficulties in accessing services, there is a Customer Services Liaison Officer in each section that can be contacted and there is a formal complaint procedure for customers to avail of,” the council executive spokesperson commented.


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