Tidy towns committee seeks community help as competition adjudicators arrive

Now that summer has finally arrived with the beautiful weather currently being experienced, the Athlone Tidy Towns committee is imploring the local community to prepare for the forthcoming arrival of the tidy towns adjudicators.

“We must be ready for the expected adjudication for the annual Tidy Towns competition. It is anticipated that Athlone will be visited in the next few weeks or so and we are suggesting a few steps that we all can take to be ready for the adjudication.

“Firstly, cleanliness of our roads and street is important and this is where we can fall on the score sheets. So, if you individually or your residents committee could pay a little attention to the tidiness of your area it would be appreciated.

“Secondly, the presentation of the business premises is important and portrays the town as taking tidiness very seriously. Maybe a lick of paint is all is needed.

“Thirdly, you might like to display some flowers near your business or residential area that will enhance the town generally.

“We are asking you to support our efforts to maintain the Gold Standard score that we received in the last two years. A lot of work has gone into reaching this standard and retaining it is important for Athlone,” Mr Gerry Johnson, chairperson, Athlone Tidy Towns committee, asserted.


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